Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Posted by beautysmartie101 at 9:05 AM
Okay so i will be writting a post in the afternoon, this post is going to be a tutorial on NAILS:)
I am hoping that i will get this done if not i will tomorrow, i am extreemely busy.
But for now since i dont have a tutorial let's go through basic nail care!
-Apply cuticle cream to your nails every other day. (I do this.)
- Trim your nails every two weeks
-Dont use your nails as a tool
-If you have weak nails, i suggest using a nail hardener, i recommand sally hansens nail hardners.
-Use a toothpick to clean out the dirt from the insides of your nails (DO THIS EVERYDAY)
- Don't apply nail polish to your nails everyday, let your nails breath a little:)
-File your nails every week.( I prefer to file my nails in a square shape form. Make sure when you file them you dont' go back and forth just file in one direction. Filing back and forth causes your nails to break. I should know:P)

Thats it, follow these simple rules and you should have great long nails in no TIME:)

IF you have any questions please message me.

I will talk to you all later bye bye:)




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